Patrimonial Law

Your heritage is a precious asset that you can bring to fruition before handing it on. Your heritage may also be the subject of envy, or could shrink in value if you do not look after it.

The patrimonial law expert is there to advise you and to help you with each step in the construction, preservation and transmission of your heritage.  .

BBP Lawyers in Paris offer a world class service from recognized experts in patrimonial law with many years experience, guaranteeing you legal security in the various deeds that will require your signature.

Unlike some other legal professionals, the lawyer is the only one who you can really trust to defend your interests. BBP Lawyer Paris is committed to you and guarantees competency and responsibility.

The legal, fiscal and financial aspects of events such as inheritance, division of community, breaking a joint tenancy, or accidents, are broken down in detail in order to present you with all possible solutions.

It is only this kind of transversal analysis that will allow you to make an informed decision that suits your circumstances.

And of course these events can also give rise to litigation. BBP Lawyer Paris will put into place a legal strategy for success based on their meticulous analysis of the different aspects of your case. In order to obtain more information on the opportunities for the creation, preservation or transmission of heritage, take advantage of the extensive experience of the lawyers at Law Firm BBP Lawyer Paris in patrimonial law matters.


You can contact us by telephone on: +33.(0), or complete the contact form by going to the «Contact us» page, from the link on the top right hand of this page.